Pastor Duarthur & Elder Priscilla Oates

Positive Generation in Christ Altar Center is a Christian-based, Kingdom-oriented church with ministries that align with the needs of a community in a particular region of North Carolina. Our Christian-based approach to ministry includes a Food Bank, after school tutorial program, prison-ministry, a nonprofit, and a tape ministry that serves to reach a population that is less fortunate than everyday society.
Positive Generation in Christ Altar Center continues its ministries and plans to expand in the near future.
Each Wednesday, the Altar Center hosts prayer, which is followed by Bible Study.

Ministry departments include:
Intercessory Prayer/ Outreach
Dance Ministry
Children's Church/ Nursery
Personal Assistants of the Pastor
Music Ministry
Media Tape / Video / Radio Ministry
Van Ministry for members who are challenged by regular transportation to and from the Church.
Each ministry has a Team Leader that works with a Church Advisory Board that assures the Altar Center a continuous expression of governance.
The Altar Center is fully committed to the vision of teaching, training, and equipping believers for the work of the ministry in the church.